Research Articles: Insights and Knowledge for In-Depth Study

Research Articles By Veteran Scholar

This section is for technically equipped persons, well conversant with some of the niceties of Vedic astrology. It contains three articles penned by our veteran astrologer Shri P Kumar published in reputed astrological magazines like Journal of Astrology by Shri K.N.Rao from Delhi. These articles outline a gamut of concepts like role of Bhava Kundali, Navamsa influence, Jaimini dasas vis-à-vis Vimshottari dasas, Ashtakvarga, divisional charts etc. beautifully and will help a true researcher explore further. Astrologers are advised to read all articles line by line, contemplate over it, try to read between the lines and understand the hints given and extend it to incorporate what has been missed here but should form an integral part of all astrological prognostications. See articles below:

Modern Maladies Astrologically Explained

Systematic case analysis of brain-tumor scientifically discussed outlining the oft neglected vital astrological points.

Ticklish Twins: An Astro-Portrait

See how to differentiate between the twins and thus, learn thereby the proper method of analyzing a horoscope. It discusses some of the Astro-niceties which, obviously are to be used for all horoscopes, not for twin analysis only.

Professional Crisis - Major Or Minor

Very relevant for today’s world, it highlights some new dimensions like role of 5th house. In a horoscope, 5th house is excellent being a Trikona, but not good for profession being 8th from it. How to reconcile?.