Unlock Harmony and Prosperity with Expert Vastu Consultations at Divine Foresight


VASTU is derived from the word VASATI which literally means a place of dwelling. Vastu is basically a science of structures irrespective of the use to which the structure is put to. Hence houses, shops, industries, hospitals and schools all come under the purview of Vastu. Knowledge of Vastu is also found in Vedas and other scriptures. The great Indian sage Vishwakarma is mainly credited for revealing this knowledge through his Divya Dristi (divine sight). Vastu teaches how to ensure a happy life avoiding untoward happenings and unpleasant surprises. 

Vastu is based on five elements of Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Aakash or Ether. These five elements affect all human beings alike irrespective of caste, creed, religion etc. Each of these five elements has a force with a characteristic property. Take the example of ‘Fire’. If a baby touches it, it will get burnt. If an elderly person touches it, he too will meet the same fate. Fire will never distinguish whether one is an Indian, an American or to which religion one belongs to. At the same time fire can be used constructively as a form of energy, say for cooking. Again, this benefit too can be availed by all individuals alike. Hence, VASTU IS EQUALLY APPLICABLE TO ALL INHABITANTS OF THIS EARTH. And essence of Vastu lies in harnessing the strength of these five elements harmoniously.

Is Vastu Scientific?

Now the question arises - Is Vastu scientific or merely a belief system of a group of people or a particular community ? There are two requirements for any subject to be called as scientific:
1)Identical conditions must lead to similar results. This is the empirical aspect of science.
2) We should be able to understand the reasons or mechanism of these results so as to establish a cause and effect relationship. This is theoretical aspect of science.
The empirical aspect of Vastu is very well demonstrable while, unfortunately, its theoretical aspect is not yet fully established. But then, it is our ignorance. Our ancient sages could see all that through Divya Drishti which modern science can’t yet understand. An honest investigation into Vastu effects with an open mind will leave you dumb founded and, perhaps, that is the greatest evidence of its scientific character.

How it Works ?

As mentioned already, the rationale behind the Vastu phenomenon cannot be demonstrated, as on date with the limited scientific knowledge we possess. Mystery surrounds it exactly as in the case of great Pyramids. Yet, its efficacy is beyond doubt. Some people had tried to explain it on the basis of ‘Vastu energy field’ inside the structure emanating from the north-east direction. It appeals the logic. Like pyramids, Vastu also works but further research is required for exact scientific reasons.