Discover the Enchanting World of Ticklish Twins: Fun and Laughter Await


Study of twins has always been considered challenging as most astrologers just do a post-mortem analysis and are engaged in exploiting the gullible poor by suggesting remedies which, perhaps, never work. Most of them confine to Rasi charts and fail to understand that Vargas were not given by Parasara just for cosmetic purposes. Parasara has directed to use Bhava, Navamsa, Shashtyamsha and the relevant Varga chart along with some other parameters. Discussing cases of twins insightfully is important for establishing the credentials of astrology as well as our own proper understanding of this divine science. The case study being presented here is a humble step towards scientific approach to astrological interpretations.

This study contains life history of two brothers born at a difference of about 15-20 minutes having same Rasi chart but different Navamsas and other divisional charts. Despite same Rasi charts, their lives had sharp contrasts. The elder one had serious health issues and passed away at 39 while the younger brother enjoys sound health still (except being asthmatic in childhood). The elder was almost without a job and could never get married (due to health issues) while the younger one is working as Government Officer and timely married to a girl in the same profession. The elder was blind at 24, learnt Braille and did a low paying job of medical transcription. Besides, there were some minor differences in their nature, aptitude, confidence level etc. However, their education was strikingly similar till M.Sc. (Maths) with almost similar performance.

Here we will concentrate on differences or contrasts in their lives and would try to explain the same astrologically. We will refer elder brother as T-1 and the younger one as T-2 and try to tabulate these contrasts as below:

S.No. T-1 T-2

Born with congenital deformities like hare-lip and Cleft-Palate. Frequent surgeries (at the age of 14 days, 14 months, 2 years, 6 years, 14 years, 24 years). Infection in brain at 37, Gall Bladder stone – expired on 14.3.2006.

Born healthy but was severely asthmatic till the age of 12 years. Otherwise sound and robust health till date.

2 Low confidence, evil dreams in childhood. High confidence. Good in sports.
3 No marriage, no sex life. Blind at 24 (Dec 1990). Married at 28, wife Tax Officer.
4 No specific career. Ordinary financial condition. Himself also Tax Officer.Very prosperous. .

Here birth details given were: Jan 2, 1967; 3:10 (for T-1) and 03:30 (for T-2) approx.; Jamshedpur, India. I rectified the TOB as 03:09 and 03:27.

Now see the Rasi chart below based on which pseudo astrologers justify everything:

Rasi chart is same for the twins. Can we justify the two sets of life events given above from this single chart even if we just want to see the basic trends? But, Parasara cannot be wrong. It reminds us of Bhava chart or Chalit Chakra which has been made obsolete by the younger generation of astrologers. Let us see the two Bhava Kundalis:

Now note how the planets have shifted, see the behaviour of Moon, Mars, Rahu and Ketu. Consider the 5th and 9th aspects of Rahu and Ketu and see the difference created as discussed below:

  1. Marriage and Eyesight: For T-1 see afflictions to Venus. Here Venus is lord of 7th, lord of 12th (bhoga) and karaka for sex and marriage, hence indicated marriage and related pleasures par excellence. Now affliction to such a representative planet had its obvious implications. Also, recall that Venus is karaka for eyesight (Drishti) too. Was this a reason for loss of sight gradually? Remember here that dasa at birth was Venus-Mercury.
  2. Health Issues:For health issues of T-1, we can see Lagna afflicted by Rahu-Ketu axis and Lagna lord has gone to the 12th. On the other hand, no such afflictions are present in T-2; rather it has Rahu and Mars in 6th and 11th respectively giving a sporty body. One may ask – why asthma for T-2. Respiratory system is governed by the 3rd house and here third house of Kaal-Purusha has gone to the 8th with serious afflictions to it and its lord Mercury. This is not the case for T-1. Seems convincing? Remember, affliction to / weakness of Lagna gives serious and lingering health concerns and affliction by 6th, 8th, 12th house factors with strong Lagna give localized health problems.  
  3. Career and Finance:   For career and finance, see the fantastic Chandra-Mangal yoga in the gainful 11th of T-2 which is also a Kendra-kona rajayoga. Then, lords of 2nd, 9th and 11th change houses completing the cycle. Incidentally, exactly the same educational qualification may baffle an astrologer. Consider 4th and 5th houses, both get the same influence except the difference of Mars / Ketu and the classical dictum is –‘Ketu is like Mars’. It may be a plausible explanation.

These are basic trends subject to modification in Navamsa and other divisions. However, the lesson we get is:
“Judge strength of planets from Rasi chart and effect of those very planets from Bhava chart”.
Now see the two Navamsas:

The most striking difference can be noticed here – lagna has changed (hence everything else). See Navamsa of T-1. Lagna is occupied by 8th lord malefic Saturn with debilitated Mars and lagna lord the Moon itself is debilitated. Then see malefics in Kendras. Do we need any further reasoning for the gulf of difference between the two natives? A malefic 8th lord in Lagna is a confirmed sign of congenital illness. Similarly, difference in afflictions to 7th houses too is pretty clear. Then see Sun-Jupiter yoga in the two cases. What is the difference? Picture becomes clearer if we correlate Rasi and Navamsa.
Now a glance at dasa sequence. Born in Venus dasa, both natives experienced Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars and Rahu dasas in their common life. Venus is seriously afflicted for T-1 in Bhava and Navamsa, hence repeated surgical interventions in the very beginning of the childhood. Native T-1 lost his eyesight in Mars-Venus. See that Karaka for destruction Mars aspects Karaka for eyesight Venus in Bhava and Navamsa, hence gave the final blow. Last but not the least, during Rahu dasa T-1 suffered physically while T-2 faced departmental vigilance which can be well explained by Rahu’s Bhava positions. For T-1 Rahu in the 7th house aspected by Mars and Saturn is a maraka  while for T-2, Rahu in the 6th aspected by 6th lord has given him disputes, litigation and rajdanda (punishment by the State).
Concluding, we see a convincing explanation using Bhava, Navamsa etc. It needs further contemplation and adding other Vargas to this analysis will be further insightful. But, never stretch a logic to prove a point, it is suicidal to astrologers. Rather, key to success is:
Stick to basics, apply sound common sense and enrich yourself with a lot of experience.”
Here we have been left with some unresolved issues like why both of them did M.Sc.(Maths) despite different Navamsas and Chaturvimshamshas. How can the traits of their common parents be explained differently ? Then, how all this can be seen through Jaimini if we use Rasi chart only. A directed research is need of the hour to find answers to all these and similar other questions.