What Is Vedic Astrology?

The word Vedic Astrology reminds us of something related to ‘Vedas’, the most ancient scriptures of the world. True, Vedic astrology has its roots in Vedas or the books of supreme knowledge of HINDUS, the most ancient religion of the world. It is one of the Vedangas. It had originated from divine vision or Divya Drishti of Rishis, the seers. Greatest of the ancient seers was Vashista and his grandson was Parashara to whom the origin of Vedic astrology is traced. His great work ‘Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra’ is the source of all astrological classics and commentaries till date.

Original name of Vedic astrology is ‘Jyotisha’ or the ‘science of illumination’. It enlightens us about the ‘law of karma’, which is the sole basis of this Vedic astrology. Law of Karma operates through a series of births, present birth being a minute part of that long chain. What one sows one reaps is the guiding principle. You have got freewill to act or not to act, but once the act is done, this law of karma become operational and brings its own results. Our sages did realize this truth in a state of ecstasy. Therefore, ‘fate’ is only the 'adrishta karma', our own karma that we can’t see. Hence, future is only the past, result of our past karmas. Thus, Vedic astrology refers to the application of cosmic law to a terrestrial phenomenon of which human being too is a part. It has to be interpreted with reference to time and space and according to a particular cultural context. It can predict fate of nations, forecast outbreak of wars and outline the life patterns of individuals.

How does Vedic astrology achieve all this? It has many-many techniques and procedures involving cumbersome calculations. All these are based on 12 signs and 27 constellations of the zodiac and 9 planets moving across these entities. In Vedic astrology moment of birth is of utmost importance. It may be birth of an individual, a group, a nation country or even just an idea. All calculations are done for that moment of birth or origin at that particular place. In this respect, Vedic astrology has substantial differences with Western astrology.

But Vedic astrology is not fatalistic. It helps you explore harmony with nature and maximize your growth chances thereby. Our actions move on the lines that our Karma traces for us but our will is free to fashion this Karma. Existence of merciless fate is denied in Indian philosophy. Thus, there exists something like semi-independent karma, which helps us shape our future in this birth and births after this birth. Hence, belief in astrology actually leads us to a new kind of morality. One most important use of astrology is in providing a direction in education and selection of a profession. It is worthwhile if you are asked to follow the line of least resistance in order to maximize your achievement. Then, advance information of an imminent misfortune can help you face the situation successfully.

But, ultimate aim of astrology is to know oneself, to realize 'who am I' ? This has to be achieved through four stages of ‘Purusharthas’ namely Dharma (principle), Artha (achievement), Kama (desire) and Moksha (liberation), the last one being the most important or ultimate aim of life. The first three are only a means to the end, which is ‘Moksha’. This is the beauty of holistic Vedic astrology or ‘Jyotisha’ which encompasses all aspects of life.