
Vedic culture of ancient India was aware of spiritual basis of human existence and thus always cared to make life a meaningful whole. Accordingly, certain primary objectives of life or goals for human form of existence were fixed and made ideals of life. It was a wonderful fourfold division – Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. A division that was a meaningful whole fulfiling all basic needs of human beings as well as facilitating a peaceful and harmonious coexistence with all other beings. Dharma means righteousness and this had to be observed while fulfiling all worldly desires. Artha means wealth and see the beauty here - earning money was also one of the primary duties of human being, albeit without deviating from Dharma that is following righteous path only.

Then comes Kama which means worldly desires – physical as well as psychological. Thus, fulfilment of these desires too was permitted, rather made desirable, again within the ambit of Dharma. Finally comes the Moksha which is linked with spiritual basis of Hindu or Vedic philosophy. Vedic ideology has deep rooted belief in existence beyond this life – soul and not the body is important. This soul has to take rebirth under cover of a body repeatedly to liquidate Karma or actions done in one or the other form of life. Thus, to get one’s soul freed from this cycle of birth and rebirth is known as Moksha or salvation or liberation. Soul so liberated becomes part of the eternal soul or the God creator. Thus attaining Moksha is considered the ultimate goal in Vedic philosophy and is highly revered. This fourfold division of life and respective duties made obligatory was known as Purusharthas.